The Unarchiver is a handy, free replacement for the MacOS stock Archive Utility, giving you more control over how and where to compress and uncompress files.
WinRAR is a Windows data compression tool that focuses on the RAR and ZIP data compression formats for all Windows users. Supports RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip. How to Open an RAR Archive on Mac? Unlike other archive files, for example, a ZIP archive can be directly created or extracted by using the default function on Mac (here’s a tutorial), a RAR file can only be opened using third-party softwarewhich, unfortunately, Apple hasn’t built into the Archive Utility, yet. Mac OS X already has an Archive Utility app built in, but it’s a capabilities are rather lacking. It only supports extracting from ZIP (.zip), GZIP (.gz), and a number of other less popular formats. There are a few apps like UnRarX and RAR Expander, but my personal favorite is The Unarchiver. The Unarchiver supports more formats than I can remember. Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, 7-Zip, Rar, LhA, StuffIt, several old Amiga file and disk archives, CAB, LZX, stuff I don't even know what it is.
Handles more formats: The Unarchiver handles dozens of formats, including a few that the Mac's Archive Utility can't, such as RAR files. You can set The Unarchiver to be the default application for any file type it supports or just drag an archived file onto The Unarchiver icon to have it uncompress the file.
Lots of control: You where The Unarchiver extracts file and what happens to the archive file after you expand it (such as moving it to the Trash). You can also quickly find The Unarchiver in your Applications folder, unlike the Apple's own archive tool, which is buried in System/Library/CoreServices/Applications.
Not a lot of help: It's a free app, so don't expect a lot of help. Beyond a support board for the app and a bit of guidance on a slim Web page, you are on your own.
Bottom Line
If you are looking for more control over archived files on your Mac, The Unarchiver is a free and useful upgrade over what MacOS provides.
What do you need to know about free software?
The Unarchiver is a handy, free replacement for the MacOS stock Archive Utility, giving you more control over how and where to compress and uncompress files.
Handles more formats: The Unarchiver handles dozens of formats, including a few that the Mac's Archive Utility can't, such as RAR files. You can set The Unarchiver to be the default application for any file type it supports or just drag an archived file onto The Unarchiver icon to have it uncompress the file.
Lots of control: You where The Unarchiver extracts file and what happens to the archive file after you expand it (such as moving it to the Trash). You can also quickly find The Unarchiver in your Applications folder, unlike the Apple's own archive tool, which is buried in System/Library/CoreServices/Applications.
Not a lot of help: It's a free app, so don't expect a lot of help. Beyond a support board for the app and a bit of guidance on a slim Web page, you are on your own.
Bottom Line
If you are looking for more control over archived files on your Mac, The Unarchiver is a free and useful upgrade over what MacOS provides.
The Unarchiver is the world’s favorite RAR opener for Mac. Unlike Mac’s native tool it’s sleeker and supports all known archive types.
Takes seconds
to install
Install right away. Set it as the default archive opener in two clicks.
No license,
it’s free
A people’s app. Free of charge, free from extra purchases.
Foreign characters?
No problem.
The Unarchiver reads any archive, even non-Latin ones.
Find your archive type
With The Unarchiver you can extract files from the following archive formats.
Common Archives
Zip | Full Zip Full support for the normal zip format, with additional support for AES encryption, Zip64 extensions for large files, Mac OS extensions of many different kinds, and several unusual compression methods. Can also extract .EXE self-extracting files using Zip. |
Zipx | Full Zipx Full support for the new compression modes introduced by WinZip. |
RAR | Full RAR Including encryption and multiple volumes. Can also extract .EXE self-extracting files using RAR. |
7z | Full 7z All common compression methods are supported. Also supports Unix extensions. |
Tar | |
Gzip | Full |
Bzip2 | |
LZMA, XZ | Full LZMA, XZ Both the old 'LZMA-alone' format, usually named .lzma, and the new .xz format. |
CAB | |
MSI | Full MSI This format is also used by many other Microsoft formats, meanings that you can use The Unarchiver to extract internal data from DOC and PPT files, and others. There is probably no reason to do this, but you can. |
NSIS | Extensive NSIS Supports many different versions, starting from version 1.1o |
EXE | Some EXE Many kinds of .exe self-extracting formats are supported. However, if you find one that is not, please post an issue on the bug tracker. |
ISO, BIN, MDF, NRG, CDI | Extensive ISO, BIN, MDF, NRG, CDI Most common disc images can be unpacked, both normal and raw. |
Split files | Basic Split files Can join files named .001, .002 that do not use any extra wrapper format. |
Older Types

StuffIt | No encryption StuffIt Can unpack all files I've been able to locate. |
StuffIt X | Partial StuffIt X Can unpack many files, some more obscure features are still unsupported. JPEG compression is also unsupported. |
DiskDoubler | Almost full DiskDoubler Only lacks some old compression methods, because I have not been able to locate any files using these. If you have some that do not work, please post them here. |
Compact Pro | |
PackIt | Full |
Cpio | |
Compress (.Z) | Full |
ARJ | |
ARC, PAK | Full ARC, PAK Full support for all algorithms, including proprietary ones from PAK. Encryption only works in command-line utilities. |
Ace | Only old files |
Zoo | Full |
LZH | |
ADF | FFS ADF Can extract files from Amiga disk images using the regular FFS file system. |
DMS | FFS DMS Can extract files from compressed Amiga disk images using the regular FFS file system. |
LZX | |
PowerPacker | Full |
LBR | |
Squeeze | Full |
Crunch |
Exotic Formats
XAR | FFS XAR Suggested replacement for Tar on Unix. Used in some newer .pkg files on macOS. |
RPM | Full |
Deb | Full |
Ar | Full |
ALZip | No encryption ALZip Archive format which is mainly popular in South Korea. Support for all known compression methods, including Bzip2, Deflate and obfuscated Deflate. |
WARC | Full WARC Internet Archive Web Archive. Request and response headers also included in metadata. |
NSA, SAR | Partial NSA, SAR Game data file. Can unpack all files I've found. If you have ones that do not unpack, please post an issue. |
NDS | Full NDS Nintendo DS ROM image, which can contain a file system. |
SWF | Images and audio SWF Extracts images, sounds and music from Flash files. |
Bitmap images Extracts bitmap images from PDF files. Especially useful for scanned PDFs. |
Using it couldn’t be simpler
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Don't take our word for it
The Unarchiver
The only unarchiving tool you will ever need
The Unarchiver stays out of your way, but will handle any archive you can imagine including weird and rare archives.
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