Download.NET Framework.NET Framework is a Windows-only version of.NET for building any type of app that runs on Windows. Sep 05, 2017 The.NET Framework 4.7 is a highly compatible and in-place update to the.NET Framework 4.6.2. However, it can run side-by-side with the.NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and earlier versions of the.NET Framework. You must target and (re)compile your application with.NET Framework 4.7, not just run on it. Applications that run on the.NET Framework 4.7 but target.NET Framework 4.5 or 4.6, for example, will not get the new improvements. Updating an the app.config file of an existing application will not work (re-compilation is necessary). Framework 4.7.1 fully supports.NET Standard 2.0 and adds about 200 APIs that are defined in.NET Standard 2.0 and are missing from.NET Framework 4.6.1, 4.6.2, and 4.7. (Note that these versions of the.NET Framework support.NET Standard 2.0 only if additional.NET Standard support files are also deployed on the target system.).
- Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 2 What Does It Do
- Microsoft Net Framework 4.7.2 For Windows 10
- Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 Uninstall
- Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 1 Sdk Download
- Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 2 Offline Installer
- Microsoft Net Framework 4.7.1 Downloads
The .NET Framework is required to run many applications on Windows. The instructions in this article should help you install the .NET Framework versions that you need. The .NET Framework 4.8 is the latest available version.
You may have arrived on this page after trying to run an application and seeing a dialog on your machine similar to the following one:
.NET Framework 4.8
Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 2 What Does It Do
The .NET Framework 4.8 is included with:
.NET Framework 4.8 can be used to run applications built for the .NET Framework 4.0 through 4.7.2.
You can install .NET Framework 4.8 on:
- Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809)
- Windows 10 April 2018 Update (version 1803)
- Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709)
- Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703)
- Windows 10 Anniversary Update (version 1607)
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server, version 1809
- Windows Server, version 1803
- Windows Server 2016
Nov 09, 2017 Hi, I tried to install.NET Framework 4.7.1 using web installer and also using offline installer, but there is a blocking issue which is not allowing to install the framework. Here are my operating system details. OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OS Version: 10.0.10586 N/A Build 10586 OS. Hi Avinash, Thank you for posting in MSDN forum. The.NET Framework 4.7 is a highly compatible and in-place update to the.NET Framework 4.6.2. However, it can run side-by-side with the.NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and earlier versions of the.NET Framework.
The .NET Framework 4.8 is not supported on:
- Windows 10 1507
- Windows 10 1511
If you're using Windows 10 1507 or 1511 and you want to install the .NET Framework 4.8, you first need to upgrade to a later Windows 10 version.
.NET Framework 4.6.2
The .NET Framework 4.6.2 is the latest supported .NET Framework version on Windows 10 1507 and 1511.
The .NET Framework 4.6.2 supports apps built for the .NET Framework 4.0 through 4.6.2.
.NET Framework 3.5
Follow the instructions to install the .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10.
The .NET Framework 3.5 supports apps built for the .NET Framework 1.0 through 3.5.
Additional information
.NET Framework 4.x versions are in-place updates to earlier versions. That means the following:
You can only have one version of the .NET Framework 4.x installed on your machine.
You cannot install an earlier version of the .NET Framework on your machine if a later version is already installed.
4.x versions of the .NET Framework can be used to run applications built for the .NET Framework 4.0 through that version. For example, .NET Framework 4.7 can be used to run applications built for the .NET Framework 4.0 through 4.7. The latest version (the .NET Framework 4.8) can be used to run applications built with all versions of the .NET Framework starting with 4.0.
For a list of all the versions of the .NET Framework available to download, see the .NET Downloads page.
If you cannot get the correct version of the .NET Framework installed, you can contact Microsoft for help.
See also
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Microsoft Net Framework 4.7.2 For Windows 10

Unable to retrieve Proxy information although WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser called succeeded
Unable to retrieve Proxy information although WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser called succeeded
Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 Uninstall
Unable to retrieve Proxy information although WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser called succeeded