C Serialize Object To File

Active4 years, 1 month ago

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. In this article, I will show you how to serialize object to XML in C#. XML serialization converts the public fields and properties of an object into an XML stream. Open Visual Studio. Go to File-New-Project, Choose Console Application. I just wrote a blog post on saving an object's data to Binary, XML, or Json; well writing an object or list of objects to a file that is.Here are the functions to do it in the various formats. Save Object To File. From here you can serialize an object to file in two way. Solution-1: Serialize JSON to a string and then write string to a file string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObj); File.WriteAllText(@'c:myObj.json', json); Solution-2: Serialize JSON directly to a file. The Document's Role in Serialization. The framework responds automatically to the File menu's Open, Save, and Save As commands by calling the document's Serialize member function if it is implemented. An IDFILEOPEN command, for example, calls a handler function in the application object.

Hey guys I am working on a program that will take a person's name and comment and then serialize it to a binary file. It must also be able to deserialize and load the data to the form. I need it to be able to go up and down the list of files(names and comments) by using buttons on the form.In my code I have it separated into a class that builds the object and the code for the form, and no i'm not allowed to separate it. (Just in case anyone thought that'd work)
the form code:

and the class code:

Peter Duniho
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1 Answer

I don't know what you are asking, but if you need methods to serialize and deserialize, use these:


C# Serialize Object To Json

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Active7 years, 11 months ago

i got a class which holds info about pictures, like filepath, hashvalue, bytes.in another class i got a generic list where i put objects from the class that holds picture info.

that class looks like this:

my list is just list<picinfo> pi = new list<picinfo>();what would be the eaziest way to serialize this list?

Marc Gravell
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C Sharp Serialize Object To File

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1 Answer

If you want to use BinaryFormatter (which I really don't advise), you can use:

If you want to use XmlSerializer (probably preferable IMO), but need the byte[], then:

Personally, I'd use protobuf-net:


  • BinaryFormatter: 488 bytes
  • XmlSerializer: 251 bytes
  • protobuf-net: 16 bytes
Marc GravellMarc Gravell
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